Touch-Free (Contactless) Systems


Kiosks, ATMs, Point-of-Sale card readers, Digital Parking Meters, Vending Machines, Interactive Directories in Grocery stores, Doctor Office appointment Check-Ins, Hotel Self-Checks, Airport Check-Ins and other High-Traffic surfaces are all ideal contact points for Human to Human transmission of disease-causing pathogens such as COVID-19. 


By using our Touch-Free devices retrofitted over your existing screen, you drastically reduce the possibility of transmission between users.

Our unique design harnesses the physics of invisible Infrared Light sensors which deflect invisible photons instead of the standard heavy, resistors and capacitors embedded inside today's touchscreens. 

It even works over gloves (without making contact). Gloves or no gloves. Just Point!


You can now make purchases, check in at your doctor's office, make an appointment and sign a contract or credit card receipt WITHOUT EVER TOUCHING A SURFACE!

We HATE getting sick! It costs use time, money and needless human suffering. Our quality of life lowered when we contract physical illnesses which could be easily prevented. Less touch is Better! 

Our goal is to help eliminate or slow the spread of all diseases (yes, even the common-cold) by reducing the amount of surfaces we are required to touch each day.



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